
St. Paul University Philippines


St. Paul University Philippines



SPUP Community Development Center Foundation, Inc. has evolved as a social welfare agency in response to one of the functions of the University which is community extension. As the community development center of the University, it has catered to the needs of its clientele system; individuals, groups, families, communities and schools and collaborate with partner welfare agencies and institutions for better outcomes in the local, national and international level. It was set up primarily to help respond to the needs of the times by intervening appropriately to challenging situations and bring about a better quality of life and well-being.

It is duly licensed, registered and granted accreditation by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Standards Bureau as a Social Welfare Development Agency. SPUP-CDC Foundation, Inc. programs and projects are people oriented, responsive to issues affecting people’s existence, adaptive to change and development processes, and commits:

  1. To promote the integral human development of the people who are poor and marginalized, especially the rural poor in order to alleviate their causes èßäÊÓƵ trainings, education and formation programs.

  2. To provide opportunities for people in need to improve the quality of their lives èßäÊÓƵ efficient and effective management of resources.

  3. To conduct livelihood training activities, non-formal education projects and scholarship assistance.

  4. To provide and accept grants, contributions, donations and other forms of assistance/financial aid, technical or in kind for the maintenance of the foundation and attainment of its purposes.

  5. To provide scholarships and opportunities to poor farmers and their children, indigenous peoples and survivors of calamities;

  6. To do such other things as are necessary for the accomplishment of its objectives.

Thus, the foundation’s community engagement programs, projects and activities are geared towards poverty alleviation, sustainability, productivity and self-reliance among the members of the community.

SPUPCDCFI empower the communities èßäÊÓƵ:

  1. VALUES/SPIRITUAL FORMATION – Development or growth in the spiritual dimensions; attempts, means, instruction & disciplines intended towards deepening of faith and furtherance of spiritual growth; includes educational endeavors as well as the more in depth process of spiritual direction.

  2. POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT – Development or growth in the political dimensions of life; i.e., critical political awareness and participation in the exercise of community development.

  3. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – Development or growth in the economic dimensions of life; i.e., increase earning and income, better management of resources.

  4. SOCIO – CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT – Development or growthin the socio- cultural dimensions of life; i.e., increased national consciousness, identity, unity and moral integrity.

  5. ECOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT – Pertains to development or growth in the ecological dimensions of life; care and protection for the environment.

Programs and Services for Holistic Development:

  • Early Childhood Development (ECD)

  • Child and Family Services and Responsive Parenting

  • Values/Spiritual Formation and Personality Development

  • Community Organizing-Participatory Action Research (CO-PAR)

  • Savings Mobilization and Capital Build-up/ Livelihood and Skills Training èßäÊÓƵ Community Manage Savings and Credit Association (COMSCA)

  • Skills Training for community leaders, duty bearers and community volunteers (Child Development Worker’s (CDW’s), Supervised Neighborhood Play (SNP) Volunteers

  • Family Disaster Risk Reduction Management (FDRRM)

  • Community Extension and Outreach Services, and

  • Disaster Response (Relief Operations and Livelihood Recovery Program)