CaritasĚýis action born of faith and of a deep love of God and neighbor. It is compassionate, caring, warmth, hospitality, being “all to all” which marks the Paulinian and witness of life impacts. Like the Sisters of Saint Paul of Chartres whose life motto is Caritas Christi Urget Nos, the Paulinian is motivated by love especially for the underprivileged.
Veritas, is an epitome of morality, values and social concern, the striving for truth and justice, peace and unity and the higher gifts of the Spirit. It is entrenched by the legacy left by the founder of the Sisters of Saint Paul of Chartres, Father Louis Chauvet, who said, “I have no greater blessing than to see my daughters walk in the truth.” It is an improved quality of life rooted in Christ and the Paulinian zeal to build communities of authentic disciples.
Scientia, is authentic scholarship, systematic and disciplined effort to teach and learn so that the gifts or “charisms” of the Paulinian may be fully developed to make him a competent servant leader of the Church and country.