
St. Paul University Philippines



    1. SEAMEO INNOTECH, Philippine Office
    1. International Career Institute
    2. Paul International College
    1. Daffodil International University
    1. Hayek Global College
    1. International University Cambodia
    2. Philippine Embassy – Phnom Penh
    1. Canadian Bureau for International Education
    2. Famous Maple International Education Group
    3. Toronto Health School
    1. Anshun University
    2. Cangzhou Normal University
    3. Chengde Nursing Vocational College
    4. Chizhou University
    5. Fuyang Normal University
    6. Guangdong AIB Polytechnic
    7. Guangdong Bai Yun University
    8. Guangdong Business and Technology University
    9. Guangdong City Construction College
    10. Guangdong Industry Polytechnic
    11. Guangdong Maoming Academy of Health
    12. Guangdong Maoming Agriculture and Forestry Technical College
    13. Guangdong Polytechnic of Science and Technology
    14. Guangdong Polytechnic of Science and Trade
    15. Guangdong Preschool Normal College in Maoming
    16. Guangdong Railway Polytechnic
    17. Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology
    18. Guangzhou Railway Polytechnic
    19. Guiyang Xingzi Occupational School of Science and Technology
    20. Guizhou Light Industry Technical College
    21. Guizhou Vocational and Technical College of Water Resources and Hydropower
    22. Guoyang Health Training School
    23. Haihua College of Liaoning Normal University
    24. Handan University
    25. Hanshan University
    26. Hebei University of Water Resources and Electric Engineering
    27. Hebei Vocational College of Politics and Law
    28. Heze University
    29. Huainan Normal University
    30. Hunan Nursing School
    31. Jiaying University
    32. Lingnan Normal University
    33. Luoding University
    34. Pingding Shan University
    35. School of Continuing Education, Yanshan University
    36. Sichuan Vocational College of Health Sciences
    37. The Open University of Guangdong
    38. Tianhe College of Guangdong Normal University of Technology
    39. Tianjin Modern Vocational Technology College
    40. Yangjiang Polytechnic and Vocational College
    41. Yichun University
    42. Yunnan Technology and Business University
    43. Zhanjiang Preschool Education College
  • ٰѱ䴡(䲹𲹲)
    1. The University of Columbus, Ltd.
    1. German Doctors e.V.
    1. ICI Distance Learning Ltd.
    1. City College Jayanagar – City Business School
    2. Farcon Global Education, Inc
    3. Jayanagar College
    4. Patna Women’s College
    1. Akademi Keperawatan “YKY” Yogyakarta
    2. Akademi Keperawatan Fatimah Pare-Pare
    3. Akademi Keperawatan Intan
    4. Akademi Keperawatan Karya Bhakti Husada Yogyakarta
    5. Akademi Keperawatan Kesdam VI/TPR Indonesia
    6. Akademi Keperawatan Murakata Barabai
    7. Akademi Keperawatan Notokusumo Yogyakarta
    8. Akademi Keperawatan Pandan Harum
    9. Akademi Keperawatan Panti Rapih
    10. Akademi Keperawatan Yatna Yuana Lebak
    11. Akademi Keperawatan Yuana Lebak
    12. Akademi Kesehatan Karya Husada Yogyakarta
    13. AKBID Aida Husada Madura
    14. Health Polytechnics of Ministry of Health Yogyakarta
    15. Politeknik Kesehatan Banjarmasin
    16. Politeknik Kesehatan Malang
    17. Politeknik Kesehatan Nani Hasanuddin
    18. Politeknik Kesehatan Palangka Raya
    19. Politeknik Kesehatan Sorong
    20. Politeknik Unggulan Kalimantan
    21. Santa Elisabeth Institute of Health Sciences
    22. Santo Boromeus School of Health Sciences, West Java
    23. School of a Health Sciences Wiyata Husada Samarinda
    24. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Bethesda Yakkum Yogyakarta
    25. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Darul Azhar Batulicin
    26. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Dirgahayu Samarinda
    27. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Graha Edukasi Makassar
    28. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Husada Borneo
    29. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Jayapura
    30. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Panti Rapih
    31. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Stella Maris
    32. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Suaka Insan
    33. SekolahTinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Dirgahayu Samarinda
    34. SekolahTinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Handayani Makassar
    35. SekolahTinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Karolus Boromeus
    36. SekolahTinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Katolik St. Vincentius Paulo Surabaya
    37. SekolahTinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Patria Husada Blitar
    38. SekolahTinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Siti Khadijah Palembang
    39. Sint Carolus School of Health Sciences
    40. STIKES RS Husada
    41. The Embassy of Indonesia – Manila
    42. Universitas Brawijaya
    43. Universitas Diponegoro
    44. Universitas Kader Bangsa
    45. Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
    46. Universitas Mega Rezky
    47. Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin
    48. Universitas Negeri Surabaya
    49. Universitas Respati Yogyakarta
    50. Universitas Sanata Dharma
    51. Universitas Sari Mulia
    52. Universitas Sulawesi Barat
    1. Riga Technical University
    1. Tokushima University
    2. The Embassy of Japan – Manila
    1. SMS Phoenix Consultation
    2. SYUEN College and Institut Karisma
    3. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (AIMS)
    1. Cagayan United Doctors Medical Center of Tuguegarao City
    2. Cagayan Valley Medical Center
    3. Department of Science and Technology RO2
    4. Philippine College of Hospital Administrators, Inc
    5. Anthony College of Technology
    1. The Catholic University of Portugal
    1. Sigma Educational Consultancies
    1. Ascendens Asia
    2. California Metropolitan University / Republic Healthcare Holdings
    3. Exerceo Business International College
    4. Omega International College
    1. Chang Jung Christian University
    2. Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
    3. Yuanpei University of Medical Technology
    5. Naresuan University
    6. Rangsit University
  • UAE
    1. Transcend Learning Institute
  • UK
    1. Secon, London, England
  • USA
    1. American International College, Springfield, Massachusetts
    2. Association of Filipino Teachers and Educators in America
    3. Childfund International
    4. Jacksonville University, Florida
    5. Markedemiks
    6. Pace University, New York
    7. World Council for Curriculum and Instruction (WCCI)
    1. ASEAN/Asian International Mobility for Students (AIMS)
    2. Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)
    3. Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia (ACUCA)
    4. Association of Southeast and East Asia Catholic Colleges and Universities (ASEACCU)
    5. China-ASEAN Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Alliance of Universities (China-ASEAN Belt Road)
    6. Hanseatic League of Universities (HLU)
    7. SEAMEO Schools Network
    8. University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific (UMAP)
    9. World Council for Curriculum and Instruction (WCCI)
  • International Collaborative Project
    1. PATHWAY (Erasmus+ funded project // with Alicante University – Spain, University of Montpellier – France, Commission on Higher Education(CHED), Ateneo de Manila University(ADMU), Lyceum of the Philippines University(LPU), Polytechnic University of the Philippines(PUP), Benguet State University(BEngSU) – Philippines)